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Third one's a charm!

Right. Here we go a gain. I have no idea since when I keep telling myself that I should get serious about this stuff and actually write this blog. The past two attempts failed because they felt fake to me, so I pretty much gave up on that and I will aim to write stuff plainly, as I feel it coming.

Why do I want to write a blog? No clue... Just feel like I should write some stuff on the web. Everybody seems to be doing it, so why not me? It's not like anyone will ever read this stuff. On a more serious note, I write it because I want to share some of my ideas and experiences. Looking back on my past 24 years of existence it has been quite a wild ride, and what follows feels like an even wilder ride, so buckle your seatbelts!

Tempting as it might be, I will probably try not to write about stuff that I don't know about. I will try to keep myself attached to 3 categories: AI, Tech and Huzur. If you don't know what the last one is, check it out its description.

Now, for the past year, I have had no Facebook or any other social media account except for LinkedIn and this blog which I have been dutifully ignoring. However, I have grate plans for Tropico!... Ahm, wait. Wrong platform. I mean I have grate plans for this blog and an incoming YouTube channel about coding, and I need to work on my marketing. Recently, I managed to get into a PhD at Oxford. I like to lie to myself that I will have some free time (hahahah!) and that I will hope to fill out partly by writing this blog, and also by making those YouTube videos.

I also want to restart my social media platform not because I want to brag, or because I want to give Mark more stuff to sell, but because I have realized that social media represents both a good adversing environment for myself and my work, as previously mentioned, as well as a good place to start debates and maybe brake some stereotypes that I encountered along the way. Also yeah, I am a liberal.

I believe in the role that we all have in starting debates about important topics in our society. I consider myself blessed for having the chance to get where I am and do what I am doing considering that I am coming from what is essentially an almost bankrupt town in Eastern Europe. I like working as a researcher and scientist, however I do realize that I can easily get stuck in my ivory tower, hearing only what I want to from the echo chamber that I created around myself, while the entire world doesn't give a rat's backside about me or what I am doing. But, from my position I might have some opinions on general "stuff" going on around the world and I can try to educate people or start debates. Might be that my opinions are right, might be that they are wrong. I don't pretend I have all the answers. I can also feel the h8ters preparing to accuse me of being an elitist. By looking at the Wikipedia definition ( , I probably am to an extent. God bless you h8ters! :-) However, this is not the point. The point is that we live in a world where the opinion becomes stronger that the scientific truth and it is the duty of researchers to start and lead debates. What do I mean by this? Well, let's put it this way: if someone believes that they come from a superior race based on the color of their nose hair, that the Earth is flat, that vaccines give kids autism, that AI robots will take over the world which is already ruled by reptilians and that ancient people had flying machines given to them by aliens, and that climate change isn't real, just because some politician or social media influencer tells them that, than for that person it doesn't matter that I or any other researcher publish in a high impact journal scientific truth countering what that influencer told them. But what if I abandon my snob sciency words and I go and have an honest chat with them? Or what if me and other scientist try to explain in more plane terms what we are doing and what our work means? Will that help these individuals question what they hear in their social media echo chambers? Might be or might be not. But at least we tried...

Har! That digressed quickly! I must teach myself how to be more concise about these things, and maybe a bit more structured. But all in good times my friends! I am writing these things as a hobby, so I will treat them likely. For more serious blog posts, most of them relating to the YouTube channel that I am planning on starting, I will probably turn more towards other platforms, such as, due to their larger impact.

That's all for now. Stay safe and take care!

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